Two popular actors, Kerem Bursin and Hande Ercel, came to the screens with the romantic comedy series Sen Cal Kapımı (Love is in the Air). The series, which was broadcast on Fox TV and lasted for 52 episodes, made its finale in July 2020. Unexpectedly, the series managed to attract attention by attracting great attention in more than 80 countries around the world, especially in Spanish World!
The two leading actors of the series, Hande Ercel and Kerem Bursin, did not fall off the magazine’s agenda as it was learned that they were lovers while the series was continuing and their relationship continued for a while! There are some news that the two players, who separated after a while, are now reconciling again.
In the meantime, the two actors, who have not had a new project for a long time, appear mostly with their social media posts. Kerem Bursin made a few visits to Spain a while ago, and during these visits, he met with important names in the cinema industry and negotiated for new projects.
Hande Ercel is on the agenda as the brand ambassador of Disney Plus. The actress, who is not yet clear in which series she will play, is eagerly awaited with her new project on the digital platform. Finally, the brand came to the fore with the advertisements of the clothing company Nocturne, of which she is the face.
It is also noteworthy that Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin have not fallen off the agenda of social media even though they do not have a project at the moment! The fact that they are always talked about as two popular names of the last period also shows how curiously and enthusiastically they are followed by the fans of the two actors!
In the research conducted by, it is seen that Erçel and Bürsin continue to be the subject of many posts in October!
While it is seen that Hande Ercel was the subject of sharing except 208 thousand 300 retweets in October twitter data, it is revealed that 220,000 social media posts were made about Kerem Bursin!